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:heavy_check_mark: Dynamic Li Chao Tree (dynamic_lichaotree.hpp)


DynamicLiChaoTree(T x_min, T x_max, T y_max)

$x$ の範囲および $y$ の最大値を設定して空の Li Chao Tree を構築する。以降、$L=x_\mathrm{max}-x_\mathrm{min}$ とする。



void add_line(T a, T b)

直線 $y=ax+b$ を追加する。



void add_segment(T a, T b, T x_l, T x_r)

線分 $y=ax+b\space(x\in[x_l,x_r])$ を追加する。



T query(T x)

点 $x$ における最小値を返す。直線/線分が存在しないときは $y_\mathrm{max}$ を返す。


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template <typename T>
class DynamicLiChaoTree {
    DynamicLiChaoTree(T x_min, T x_max, T y_max) : x_min(x_min), x_max(x_max), y_max(y_max), root(nullptr) {}

    // add ax + b
    void add_line(T a, T b) {
        Line line(a, b);
        add_line(root, x_min, x_max, line.calc(x_min), line.calc(x_max), line);

    // add ax + b [x_l, x_r]
    void add_segment(T a, T b, T x_l, T x_r) {
        Line line(a, b);
        add_segment(root, x_l, x_r, x_min, x_max, line);

    // min at x
    T query(T x) { return query(root, x_min, x_max, x); }

    T x_min, x_max, y_max;

    struct Line {
        T a, b;
        constexpr Line(T a_, T b_) noexcept : a(a_), b(b_) {}
        constexpr T calc(T x) const noexcept { return a * x + b; }
    struct Node;
    using Node_t = unique_ptr<Node>;
    struct Node {
        Line line;
        Node_t l, r;

        Node(Line line_) : line(line_), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
        Node(T a, T b) : line(a, b), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
    Node_t root;

    static constexpr T add_eps() noexcept { return (is_integral_v<T> ? 1 : 0); }

    T get(const Node_t &t, T x) { return (t == nullptr ? y_max : t->line.calc(x)); }

    void add_line(Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, T y_new_l, T y_new_r, Line new_line) {
        if (x_l > x_r) return;
        if (t == nullptr) {
            t = make_unique<Node>(new_line);

        const T y_l = t->line.calc(x_l), y_r = t->line.calc(x_r);

        if (y_l <= y_new_l && y_r <= y_new_r) return;
        if (y_new_l <= y_l && y_new_r <= y_r) {
            t->line = new_line;

        T x_m = (x_l + x_r) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_l + 1 == x_r) {
                t->l = make_unique<Node>((y_l <= y_new_l) ? t->line : new_line);
                t->r = make_unique<Node>((y_r <= y_new_r) ? t->line : new_line);

        T y_m = t->line.calc(x_m), y_new_m = new_line.calc(x_m);
        if (y_m <= y_new_m) {
            if (y_new_l <= y_l)
                add_line(t->l, x_l, x_m, y_new_l, y_new_m, new_line);
                add_line(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, y_new_m + new_line.a * add_eps(), y_new_r, new_line);
        } else {
            swap(t->line, new_line);
            if (y_new_l <= y_l)
                add_line(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, y_m + new_line.a * add_eps(), y_r, new_line);
                add_line(t->l, x_l, x_m, y_l, y_m, new_line);

    void add_line(Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, Line new_line) { add_line(t, x_l, x_r, new_line.calc(x_l), new_line.calc(x_r), new_line); }

    // query: [x_l, x_r], now: [x_a, x_b]
    void add_segment(Node_t &t, const T x_l, const T x_r, T x_a, T x_b, Line new_line) {
        if (x_a > x_b) return;
        if (x_b < x_l || x_r < x_a) return;
        if (x_l <= x_a && x_b <= x_r) {
            add_line(t, x_a, x_b, new_line);

        if (t == nullptr) {
            t = make_unique<Node>(0, y_max);

        T x_c = (x_a + x_b) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_a + 1 == x_b) {
                if (x_l <= x_a && x_a <= x_r) add_line(t->l, x_a, x_a, new_line);
                if (x_l <= x_b && x_b <= x_r) add_line(t->r, x_b, x_b, new_line);
        add_segment(t->l, x_l, x_r, x_a, x_c, new_line);
        add_segment(t->r, x_l, x_r, x_c + add_eps(), x_b, new_line);

    T query(const Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, T x) {
        if (t == nullptr) return y_max;
        T y = t->line.calc(x);

        T x_m = (x_l + x_r) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_l + 1 == x_r) {
                return min({y, (x == x_l ? get(t->l, x) : y_max), (x == x_r ? get(t->r, x) : y_max)});

        if (x <= x_m) return min(y, query(t->l, x_l, x_m, x));
        return min(y, query(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, x));
#line 1 "dynamic_lichaotree.hpp"
template <typename T>
class DynamicLiChaoTree {
    DynamicLiChaoTree(T x_min, T x_max, T y_max) : x_min(x_min), x_max(x_max), y_max(y_max), root(nullptr) {}

    // add ax + b
    void add_line(T a, T b) {
        Line line(a, b);
        add_line(root, x_min, x_max, line.calc(x_min), line.calc(x_max), line);

    // add ax + b [x_l, x_r]
    void add_segment(T a, T b, T x_l, T x_r) {
        Line line(a, b);
        add_segment(root, x_l, x_r, x_min, x_max, line);

    // min at x
    T query(T x) { return query(root, x_min, x_max, x); }

    T x_min, x_max, y_max;

    struct Line {
        T a, b;
        constexpr Line(T a_, T b_) noexcept : a(a_), b(b_) {}
        constexpr T calc(T x) const noexcept { return a * x + b; }
    struct Node;
    using Node_t = unique_ptr<Node>;
    struct Node {
        Line line;
        Node_t l, r;

        Node(Line line_) : line(line_), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
        Node(T a, T b) : line(a, b), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
    Node_t root;

    static constexpr T add_eps() noexcept { return (is_integral_v<T> ? 1 : 0); }

    T get(const Node_t &t, T x) { return (t == nullptr ? y_max : t->line.calc(x)); }

    void add_line(Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, T y_new_l, T y_new_r, Line new_line) {
        if (x_l > x_r) return;
        if (t == nullptr) {
            t = make_unique<Node>(new_line);

        const T y_l = t->line.calc(x_l), y_r = t->line.calc(x_r);

        if (y_l <= y_new_l && y_r <= y_new_r) return;
        if (y_new_l <= y_l && y_new_r <= y_r) {
            t->line = new_line;

        T x_m = (x_l + x_r) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_l + 1 == x_r) {
                t->l = make_unique<Node>((y_l <= y_new_l) ? t->line : new_line);
                t->r = make_unique<Node>((y_r <= y_new_r) ? t->line : new_line);

        T y_m = t->line.calc(x_m), y_new_m = new_line.calc(x_m);
        if (y_m <= y_new_m) {
            if (y_new_l <= y_l)
                add_line(t->l, x_l, x_m, y_new_l, y_new_m, new_line);
                add_line(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, y_new_m + new_line.a * add_eps(), y_new_r, new_line);
        } else {
            swap(t->line, new_line);
            if (y_new_l <= y_l)
                add_line(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, y_m + new_line.a * add_eps(), y_r, new_line);
                add_line(t->l, x_l, x_m, y_l, y_m, new_line);

    void add_line(Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, Line new_line) { add_line(t, x_l, x_r, new_line.calc(x_l), new_line.calc(x_r), new_line); }

    // query: [x_l, x_r], now: [x_a, x_b]
    void add_segment(Node_t &t, const T x_l, const T x_r, T x_a, T x_b, Line new_line) {
        if (x_a > x_b) return;
        if (x_b < x_l || x_r < x_a) return;
        if (x_l <= x_a && x_b <= x_r) {
            add_line(t, x_a, x_b, new_line);

        if (t == nullptr) {
            t = make_unique<Node>(0, y_max);

        T x_c = (x_a + x_b) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_a + 1 == x_b) {
                if (x_l <= x_a && x_a <= x_r) add_line(t->l, x_a, x_a, new_line);
                if (x_l <= x_b && x_b <= x_r) add_line(t->r, x_b, x_b, new_line);
        add_segment(t->l, x_l, x_r, x_a, x_c, new_line);
        add_segment(t->r, x_l, x_r, x_c + add_eps(), x_b, new_line);

    T query(const Node_t &t, T x_l, T x_r, T x) {
        if (t == nullptr) return y_max;
        T y = t->line.calc(x);

        T x_m = (x_l + x_r) / 2;
        if constexpr (is_integral_v<T>) {
            if (x_l + 1 == x_r) {
                return min({y, (x == x_l ? get(t->l, x) : y_max), (x == x_r ? get(t->r, x) : y_max)});

        if (x <= x_m) return min(y, query(t->l, x_l, x_m, x));
        return min(y, query(t->r, x_m + add_eps(), x_r, x));
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